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Crunchy Chocolate Chickpeas

Prep Time:

5 Minutes

Cook Time:

5 Minutes


4 Serves


About the Recipe

Think crunchy, sweet and salty goodness.
It’s actually a match made in heaven


1 packed of salted roasted chickpeas. Or you can airfry chickpeas, or roast them with olive oil in an oven at 200C fanbake for approximately 30 minutes until crunchy. ( drain and take the skins off first )

1 small block of dark chocolate. I love @bennettonaturalfoods


Air fry, roast or buy 1 packet of salted roasted chickpeas.

Break the block of dark chocolate up into pieces and microwave until melted or place in a bowl over a small pot of simmering water. ( double boil method ) Gently stir until chocolate has melted. ( Be careful removing the blow as it'll be very hot ).

Leave to cool for a few minutes then stir in the chickpeas and mix until the chickpeas are all coated.

Then spread onto lined tray and transfer into the fridge until the chocolate has gone hard.

When read , break into pieces (bark) and gobble up that goodness.

You'll get a chocolate face!


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